Enviro-Biotics® reduce Asthma and Allergies

Study objective

Enviro-Biotics® by betterair consume the allergens which become a source of food (nutrients) . This has been clearly demonstrated by a collaborative research executed with the Indoor Biotechnology Laboratories – UK based international experts that produce allergen ingredients such as tiny particles, proteins and others, generated by the allergens. These allergens ultimately become airborne, resulting in major respiratory illeneses such as Asthma and other breathing disorders.
In these trials, the Indoor Biotechnologies Laboratory team had  taken allergens and their building blocks and measured their existance and prosperity with the presence of Enviro-Biotics®. Measurement using a classic microbiology method and allergen concentration applying the INDOOR MARIA® assay, (MARIA SOP-001 ver.1.3). The below Figures represent the dramatic reduction of allergens concurrently to the increase of Enviro-Biotics®, which again prove the concept of Ecological Balancing – let the beneficial organism take the place of the harmful organism.


Enviro-Biotics® by betterair can grow and prosper by using allergens as a nutrient source, hence dramatically decrease the concentration of allergens and reduce the side effects of ubiquitous indoor allergies on the inhabitants.

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