
Where we work, commute, exercise at the gym to improve our health or, send our children for their education… These public places are usually crowded with human traffic and controlled by air handling systems. Indoor related illness is a wide phenomenon that influences all of modern society that spends 90% of their time indoors and incurs excessive costs related to absenteeism and presenteeism. We need to be proactive and balance these indoor environments to create healthy spaces.


 57% of travelers changed room because it was too dirty.  75% of traveler’s first concern is the bedspread. Travelers come and go, but bacteria remain after thousands of hands transfer and relocate germs.

BetterAir provide your guest a cleaner, healthier and safer environment

Schools and Day Care

78% of students report that cleanliness has an impact on their health. Cleanliness ranked as the fourth most important building element to impact the students’ personal learning.

Reduce the amount of mold spores and allergens being dispersed into the air, resulted in better indoor air quality and a healthier and cleaner environment for students and faculty members. A healthy school is a successful school!


Sick indoor Syndrome which affects about 30% of new and remodeled building is also known to have an effect in the marine industry, commonly known as Sick Yacht Syndrome.

Dark, damp atmosphere with wide temperature variances can contribute to poor air quality on your boat.

Betterair Enviro-Biotics™ can help reduce foul, musty, mildew odor and improve air quality, by nourishing your yacht space with billions of beneficial probiotics and reduce the onset of Sick Yacht Syndrome.


1.7 Millions Hospital-Acquired Infections occur in the U.S. Hospitals each year, resulting in 99,000 deaths and an estimated $20 billions in unnecessary healthcare costs.

Did you know that probiotics are the most effective solution in breaking down biofilm harboring antibiotic-resistant organisms? Conventional cleaning and purification methods inadequately disinfect medical equipment, which is the leading cause of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI).


A working adult touches as many as 30 contaminated objects a day in the workspace.

These objects may be contaminated with disease causing bacteria. You may think your toilet is more contaminated than a keyboard and mouse, but think again. Protect your office space with BetterAir probiotics by penetrating the hard to reach areas you work with every day. Happy workday!

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